Why does it matter if you do your prints in color or black and white? Well, let’s think about the finances of this small thing (takes less than 1 minute per computer, or if the driver is on the server, then it can be done for everyone)
Say you have a color copier where your current bill looks like this –
Color Prints and Copies – 3000 pages at 6 cents a page ($180)
Black and White Prints and Copies – 3000 pages at 1 penny per page ($30)
Total bill of $210
If you default the prints to black and white, most people reduce color usage by at least 50%
New totals would look like this:
Color copies – 1500 at 6 cents each ($90)
B&W copies – 4500 at 1 cent each ($45)
Total cost: $135 per month.
Savings of $75 per month on a 60 month lease – over $4000 for doing a 1 minute process.
So, you are probably thinking – This sounds awesome – How do I do it?
We will show you how defaulting your prints to Black and White works on the Xerox driver. Every driver is different, but it will go something like this, and this will get you to the right section of your driver.
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