Your small business is ever growing. Saving money should be number one on your list. The more you can put back into your business is the
A lot of people will fall into the trap of paying way too many prints. Lease companies use this as a tool to make money for themselves. Unused prints are lost, they do not roll over for the next month. So if you do not use them all then the company makes more money off of you. There is usually a discount offered to buy more, but it’s not usually worth the extra charge if you’re not using it.
Most of the time you’re spending hundreds more every month that you’ll never use. If you know how much you are using, you should only purchase that much, no matter the discount. This will actually save your company money. A great rule of thumb is to calculate your busiest month and buy eighty percent of that for all months. You can always buy more if you need it, but you can’t get any back if you spend too much.
Contact us now to learn how we can help you lease or purchase the right copier for your needs.
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